Tips to Get the Most Out of Your French Drain System

Posted by: Chris
Date: January 23, 2018

French Drain System

Many homeowners choose to install French Drain Systems to redirect the flow of water. These drains will carry rainwater and melting snow away from undesirable areas (such as locations adjoining the foundation) and transport the flow in a preferred direction after sending it through a gravel-filled underground channel. Since this technology has existed for hundreds of years, even older properties sometimes possess one (or more) French Drains. These landscaping features typically require periodic maintenance to remain effective. Here are three tips to get the most out of your French Drain System :

French drain system, French Drain Contractors, Raleigh, NC

Tip One: Pay Attention to Water Movement Across Your Yard

You’ll want to remain alert to the appearance of your yard during the course of the year. Do soggy spots develop in certain locations after a heavy rainstorm and remain visible for weeks or months afterwards? Have you noticed pooled water on the grounds? Does the soil around you home’s foundation always feel wet?

If you keep noticing these conditions, you may benefit by taking action. The time may have arrived to request a French Drain system inspection. By ensuring you prevent water from pooling near your home’s slab or foundation, you’ll help safeguard the available lifespan of the dwelling. Standing water in this site may ultimately damage the building.

Tip Two: Request a Biannual French Drain System Inspection

Drainage & Waterproofing Solutions,LLC” suggests property owners with functional French Drain system should consider seeking an inspection on at least a biannual basis. You’ll want to make certain French Drains continues to operate as intended. Over the course of time, these drains eventually cease working, one reason why some older properties often contain multiple French Drain sites.

French Drain systems are highly effective tools in many settings. They help extend the useful lifespan of man-made structures. Today, these underground channels often perform important landscaping roles. For example, a French Drain may prevent one section of a large yard from becoming a dank mosquito habitat during most of the year. This ancient technology continues to serve a very useful purpose!

Schedule a French Drain System Inspection

Did you know, Drainage & Waterproofing Solutions,LLC” offers valuable assistance to property owners in the Fayetteville, Southern Pines and nearby areas by inspecting existing French Drains? If you’ve already invested in this feature, you’ll want to ensure you maintain it in good working condition. We can help you ascertain whether or not this type of drain still works correctly to help protect your home by providing effective water relocation.

Tip Three: Inform Your Real Estate Agent About French Drains on The Property

If you do decide to sell or lease your residence in this area, it remains a smart idea to let your real estate agent know about the existence of any French Drains on your property. Providing maintenance records assures your agent and prospective buyers or renters you’ve taken steps to maintain this feature in good working condition. Disclosing this information could help prevent miscommunications or misunderstandings at a later date.

During recent years, property inspections prior to closing real estate transactions have become more common. Furthermore, although the condition of the residence remains the primary focus of this activity. Also, it makes sense to let an inspector know about the location and condition of French Drains. The inspector should appreciate the function of the drain; if not, you’ll want to clarify this issue. Also, a well maintained, properly working French Drain testifies to the care and attention you’ve invested in the condition of your real estate.

Request French Drain Information During a Real Estate Purchase

As a preliminary matter, if you’ve considered purchasing a residence in Raleigh, Fayetteville, Southern Pines, or outlying areas, you’ll want to ask your real estate agent about the presence of any French Drains on the property. Also, request permission to review the seller’s maintenance records for this type of drain as you evaluate the real estate. Often, homeowners do not keep these materials available. However, if the seller can supply this information, you’ll learn the full details of the location and condition of working French Drains on the property.

For all your French Drain and Waterproofing needs

Call us at 919-235-5219 to request a consultation.

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