Call a Retaining Wall Installation Company

Posted by: Chris
Date: January 12, 2021
Retaining Wall Installation Company

Retaining Wall Installation Company

Has a retaining wall started buckling on your North Carolina property? Fortunately, this problem occurs infrequently today. Yet sometimes, retaining walls near yards, driveways, roads, or flower beds gradually lose proper alignment. Also, the wall may begin cracking or tilting precariously. Furthermore, property owners should not ignore these changes: consider calling a retaining wall installation company for assistance!

Why Buckling Retaining Walls Require Prompt Attention

A buckling retaining wall will eventually break apart completely. This problem sometimes proves quite serious. Also, it may permit retained earth to spill across sidewalks, driveways, or hillsides. Erosion sometimes results after this type of mishap.

If you notice a retaining wall beginning to buckle, consider correcting the problem quickly. The damage to this man-made structure won’t resolve naturally. Property owners essentially enjoy two options in this situation. One completely demolishes the wall (and then rebuild). Two, contact a retaining wall installation company to provide skilled repair services.

Two Common Types of Retaining Walls

A retaining wall installation company typically constructs two basic types of retaining walls. Also, both kinds of walls serve the same basic purpose. These man-made structures help contain soil within a desired location effectively:

1. A Gravity Wall: Very common in NC, these types of walls typically taper in width proceeding from the base to the top. A cross-section of the wall resembles a trapezoid. The thick base of the wall helps confine loose soil within a desired location.

2. A Cantilever Wall: This kind of retaining wall resembles a backwards “L” shape. The long heel of the wall extends deep into the surrounding earth. Typically, heavy steel reinforces the vertical section of this structure.

Retaining Walls And Pressure

An experienced retaining wall installation company understands this structure must withstand considerable lateral pressure. Furthermore, the weight of the retained earth presses against its entire length. Most walls of this type require strength simply in order to remain plumb. Probably for this reason, builders generally use cement, concrete, or heavy stone during retaining wall construction.

Both the height and the thickness of the retaining wall and the amount of contained soil typically matter. A retaining wall installation company needs to exercise care designing retaining walls. Therefore, these structures must resist lateral pressure from the retained earth. Construction errors ultimately weaken this landscaping feature.

The Vital Importance of Proper Drainage

As you probably suspect, yard drainage also impacts retaining walls. Persistently waterlogged soil may contribute to the pressures placed upon this structure. Also, usually, a waterproofing retaining wall installation company will include a drainage system for the wall. Also, this feature helps channel water run off in a desired direction.

Waterproofing companies sometimes serve as installers of retaining walls for this reason. These firms possess the skills needed to assess yard drainage issues. In conclusion, they appreciate the importance of protecting a retaining wall against water damage.

Seven Common Causes of Retaining Wall Buckling

Property owners should remain alert for signs of possible retaining wall problems. Additionally, pay close attention if you notice a wall appearing to bend out of alignment. Also, cracks in this structure often serve as an early warning sign of buckling. Even damage to low-lying retaining walls proves unsightly and inconvenient.

Buckling occurs for a variety of different, complex, reasons. For example, engineers recently listed seven common causes of retaining wall damage:

1. Faulty Design
2. Construction Mistakes
3. Inadequate Drainage
4. Soil Exapansion or Contraction
5. Inadequate Reinforcement
6. Poor Foundation Footing
7. Wall Overloading

It usually makes sound financial sense to obtain fast assistance if you observe possible retaining wall damage. Don’t wait to seek help until the wall actually buckles!

Seek Waterproofing Retaining Wall Installation Company Services

Drainage and Waterproofing Solutions LLC serves as a popular residential retaining wall installation company in North Carolina. Additionally, we help customers across Raleigh, NC by building attractive retaining walls to promote waterproofing. We also offer this service in Fayetteville, Southern Pines, and outlying areas. Call us to install, repair, or replace retaining walls!

Our firm offers basic waterproofing skills to help property owners maintain dry basements, crawl spaces, and foundations. We frequently install French drains and retaining walls, for example. Furthermore, if you need prompt assistance to correct a buckling waterproofing retaining wall, simply contact us. Lastly, call 919-508-7503 or 919-235-5219, we look forward to speaking with you!