Use Top Quality Dehumidifiers To Prevent Basement Moisture

Posted by: Chris
Date: November 20, 2018

Dehumidifiers To Prevent Basement Moisture

Installing a top quality dehumidifier often provides a useful way to promote a drier basement. Taking this step may help reduce the build-up of condensation in the lower levels of a home. Numerous available products on the marketplace today sometimes leave consumers perplexed about the best way to proceed. How should you choose a dehumidifier to obtain better basement waterproofing and moisture control?

About Dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers occur on the marketplace in a staggering variety of shapes and sizes. Most people already possess some familiarity with small, portable models. These products sometimes offer valuable assistance after a burst water pipe soaks carpeting, for example. Yet many manufacturers also produce much bigger dehumidifiers as standalone, permanent units. Often comprising a part of a residential HVAC system, large models remain stationary and may function as components of central air conditioning systems.

Two Types of Dehumidifiers

In general, two distinct types of dehumidifiers enjoy popularity in the United States today. Both typically operate using electrical power. They will help create drier environmental conditions:

Desiccant (or Absorption) Dehumidifiers: This type of dehumidifier passes air across a dry moisture absorbing material contained within the unit. It uses the same principle of operation as the desiccant packets enclosed within many packaged commercially sold products. Silica gel frequently serves as the active drying constituent. As it passes through the moisture absorbing chemicals, air loses its humidity. This type of dehumidifier functions well as a means of drying air within very small rooms or tightly enclosed spaces. Most lightweight portable dehumidifiers today employ this technology.

Condensing Dehumidifiers: By contrast, so-called “refrigeration” dehumidifiers rely on a different two-step mechanism for drying an area. These units pass air over a series of interior coils equipped with an evaporator until the air reaches a dew point and water droplets condense. The unit collects the water and releases the dry air back into the environment. Today most in-ground dehumidifiers depend upon this HVAC technology.

Some Advantages And Disadvantages

Both types of mechanical systems offer advantages and disadvantages for people seeking to maintain drier, less humid basements. The desiccant machines offer portability, yet do not cover a large area. They will operate efficiently across a broad temperature range.

By contrast, refrigeration dehumidifiers will keep large rooms drier. They hold a significant drawback for use in some regions, however. In many cases, refrigeration units reportedly won’t function as efficiently below a 70-degree ambient room temperature. They tend to generate heat, too, which may pose a disadvantage during hotter summer months but an advantage at other times of the year. (Possibly, for this reason, some manufacturers build refrigeration dehumidifiers specifically for use in conjunction with centralized air conditioning equipment.)

Dehumidifiers As Basement Moisture Control Tools

The best choice for a basement dehumidifier may depend upon a homeowner’s unique circumstances. A portable desiccant model might operate very well in some small basement spaces. However, for larger dimensions, condensing technologies offer advantages. In this part of North Carolina, the standalone refrigeration dehumidifier models may assist in warming cold basements during some periods of the year.

The standalone units also require property owners to consider an important issue: water collection. Since they extract moisture from the air and transform it into liquid, an operator must either periodically empty the unit or use a self-draining system which implements controlled water collection and drainage. In many situations, it makes sense to employ large, top quality dehumidifiers in conjunction with basement sump pumps and/or interior drains. This compatibility prevents the dehumidifier from requiring extensive human intervention to drain water out of the unit.

An Important Dehumidifier Advantage

All types of dehumidifiers offer a benefit which may enhance their attractiveness for some households. By extracting moisture from the air, these units decrease the presence of musty, stale air and reduce the risk of mold growth. Thus to some extent, this equipment offers indoor air quality improvement benefits!

Further Information

Do you need assistance finding a top-quality dehumidifier to obtain better basement moisture control? Drainage & Waterproofing Solutions offers waterproofing services, including experienced basement waterproofing and drainage inspections. Consider requesting our assistance when you choose a basement dehumidifier.

We prefer whenever possible to use high-grade products which interact seamlessly with basement sump pumps and interior drains. Our competitive price structure pleases customers! Lastly, contact us today at 919-235-5219 for assistance.

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